What we started
Having lived in the technology space my whole life, I have seen the growth and impacts of spam, scams and fraud on businesses and everyday people. It was early 2018 when I was being asked on a regular occurrence to assist family and friends to protect their computers and data after they were to click on spam email links.
Starting with education, the goal was to help my family and friends identify the suspicious emails and remove them. While a positive outcome of less requests for help, I was still finding family and friends would make mistakes as more sophisticated attacks arose.
Challenging each of them, it was evident that the underlying root cause of the problem was they simply did not have a way to verify who the email was from. While there are technical strategies that can be implemented to protect a domain from email spoofing, the user challenge was still determining the identity. And this challenge exists across multiple channels (phone calls, emails, chat messages, etc).
Setting out to solve the problem, we identified Social Engineering attacks as the most harmful to everyday people. If we were able to solve this problem, we could help the young, the old, and most vulnerable in the community.
Months of design, prototyping and development, we were able to perform user and security testing to see how effective the Guard Point process and tools were. We were quite surprised that during these early discussions how many people were impacted by Social Engineering attacks and how confident they were that what we were developing would have protected them.
As we progressed our solution, we noticed the security market growing, with large investments into people, process and technology within businesses. Unfortunately, we have not seen the same level of investment or support into consumer security and protection worldwide. Fortunately for us, our focus was to solve the everyday person's challenges, and that's what we have done.
We continued with our initial plans of Guard Point product and services positioned at the everyday person to provide Social Engineering protection for free. An ambitious goal of providing this service for free; we believed that we could provided enough value for the everyday person that they would join our community and that businesses would soon follow with the intent of assisting the protection of their customer's security.
Technically, we focused on the platform privacy and security including foundationally data encryption (at rest, in transit, in operation, individual encryption keys per user, encryption key rotation and so on). We also designed our platform to support âuser-defined data sovereigntyâ where the user and business can independently choose which region they want to store their data in. Driven out of our desire to provide the everyday person the same or similar levels of data security and flexibility that the large businesses receive in their product selections. Please note, while we are in our launch phase, we have only switched on the Australian data region.
We arrive at 2021 where we officially launch Guard Point, the first product/service that provides a tool and process for Social Engineering protection for the everyday person.
We'll keep driving to improve our offerings to you, to help anyway we can in protecting your identity and personal information. What we ask from you is, if you believe in what we are trying to achieve, you join our community by signing up for Guard Point for free, installing our app and helping us promote our service to your friends and the businesses you interact with.
Remember to never share your personal information with anyone you are unable to verify.
Selby Steer
Founder, Guard Point